Fabien Potencier discovered that Twig was not properly enforcing sandbox policies when dealing with objects automatically cast to strings by PHP. An attacker could possibly use this issue to expose sensitive information. This issue was only fixed in Ubuntu 16.04 ESM and Ubuntu 18.04 ESM. (CVE-2019-9942)
Marlon Starkloff discovered that Twig was not properly enforcing closure constraints in some of its array filtering functions. An attacker could possibly use this issue to execute arbitrary code. This issue was only fixed in Ubuntu 20.04 ESM. (CVE-2022-23614)
Dariusz Tytko discovered that Twig was not properly verifying input data utilized when defining pathnames used to access files in a system. An attacker could possibly use this issue to access unauthorized resources and expose sensitive information. (CVE-2022-39261)
{ "availability": "Available with Ubuntu Pro: https://ubuntu.com/pro", "binaries": [ { "binary_version": "2.12.5-1ubuntu0.1~esm1", "binary_name": "php-twig" }, { "binary_version": "2.12.5-1ubuntu0.1~esm1", "binary_name": "php-twig-cssinliner-extra" }, { "binary_version": "2.12.5-1ubuntu0.1~esm1", "binary_name": "php-twig-doc" }, { "binary_version": "2.12.5-1ubuntu0.1~esm1", "binary_name": "php-twig-extra-bundle" }, { "binary_version": "2.12.5-1ubuntu0.1~esm1", "binary_name": "php-twig-html-extra" }, { "binary_version": "2.12.5-1ubuntu0.1~esm1", "binary_name": "php-twig-inky-extra" }, { "binary_version": "2.12.5-1ubuntu0.1~esm1", "binary_name": "php-twig-intl-extra" }, { "binary_version": "2.12.5-1ubuntu0.1~esm1", "binary_name": "php-twig-markdown-extra" } ] }
{ "availability": "Available with Ubuntu Pro: https://ubuntu.com/pro", "binaries": [ { "binary_version": "3.3.8-2ubuntu4+esm1", "binary_name": "php-twig" }, { "binary_version": "3.3.8-2ubuntu4+esm1", "binary_name": "php-twig-cache-extra" }, { "binary_version": "3.3.8-2ubuntu4+esm1", "binary_name": "php-twig-cssinliner-extra" }, { "binary_version": "3.3.8-2ubuntu4+esm1", "binary_name": "php-twig-doc" }, { "binary_version": "3.3.8-2ubuntu4+esm1", "binary_name": "php-twig-extra-bundle" }, { "binary_version": "3.3.8-2ubuntu4+esm1", "binary_name": "php-twig-html-extra" }, { "binary_version": "3.3.8-2ubuntu4+esm1", "binary_name": "php-twig-inky-extra" }, { "binary_version": "3.3.8-2ubuntu4+esm1", "binary_name": "php-twig-intl-extra" }, { "binary_version": "3.3.8-2ubuntu4+esm1", "binary_name": "php-twig-markdown-extra" }, { "binary_version": "3.3.8-2ubuntu4+esm1", "binary_name": "php-twig-string-extra" } ] }